Quick word count update on the novel

44,510 words as of now.  I’m happy with this as it means I’m pushing myself further forward and I’ve actually done some work on it tonight after a week of dreams that have invariably ended up with Alethea Kontis giving me a lecture about the fact I’m ignoring it.  Now don’t get me wrong I love Alethea – what’s not to love, she’s a sparkly princess with amazing writing skills and I seriously look up to her, but still, don’t think I ever want to see real life disappointed in me Alethea.  My subconscious is bad enough.  Although admittedly, the work has been on existing chapters rather than any new work, I still feel good about it.  But I’ve felt the need to make sure the shorter chapters aren’t quite so short and have a bit more information in them.  It actually made one chapter double inside.

It’s good to be back in the flow of the novel again and whilst I won’t get any time to work on it tomorrow as I am seeing an old friend I haven’t seen in nearly 4 years, and her girlfriend, I’m hoping Sunday will be productive.

Now if someone could just tell me what the strange intermittent beeping in my flat is that I thought was a smoke alarm and isn’t. I’d be grateful.

Published by scribblenubbin

A conundrum inside an enigma.

4 thoughts on “Quick word count update on the novel

    1. It’s taken far too long to get this far. But hopefully this morning after finishing my cup of tea and housework and before my guests arrive I might get some more in.


      1. Meh, you’re still doing much better than all those who swear someday they’ll write a novel and never get past a word count of 1. I still say it’s good progress. And now that you’ve got the writer momentum rolling maybe things will progress at a rate you’re more happy with. 🙂


      2. It’s good progress that got halted by the working week lethargy. Hopefully Friday I’ll get more done 🙂


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