Writer’s work in progress rant

So with Guardian sitting with KH for editing and not being able to do any more work on it at the moment, I’m free to indulge in an idea that I’ve been playing around with in my head for a while. But, I’m a fantasy/sci-fi writer. I normally don’t have a problem with the places myContinueContinue reading “Writer’s work in progress rant”

Writing – or I realised there are things I haven’t posted on here yet.

The first draft of my novel, Guardian is COMPLETE! That’s right, it’s actually finished. It’s currently with my friend for editing. Once I get that edit back, I will rework and then pass it back to her for one final look through before attempting to submit it. This scares the you know what out of meContinueContinue reading “Writing – or I realised there are things I haven’t posted on here yet.”

A work in progress post (finally)

My novel now stands at 38,066 words.  I lost the will to write a while ago, but I’m pulling it back in and I’m aiming to start writing 1500 words a day.  Target met tonight.  My target may be slightly altered for weekends, etc, but let’s see if I can’t get back into the flowContinueContinue reading “A work in progress post (finally)”